transformation by design


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The studio

Compound works closely with organisations and institutions in an open and creative process, understanding their objectives, detecting undiscovered needs and envisioning opportunities.

Founded by André Pessoa de Farias, Compound is a design consultancy that adapts its team of collaborators to the needs of the project.

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Our expertise

We are specialists in not being specialists. We use the design process as a tool to understand, visualise and respond to diverse and complex problems.


Market analysis
Strategic planning & Thinking
Digital strategy
New business development
Communication strategy
Service design
Brand development


Brand design
Visual design
Interaction design
Presentation design
Exhibition design
Motion design

Content development

Brandend content
Publishing projects
Editorial production
Digital content


Mobile & Desktop software engineering
Information architecture solutions


Who we work for

We are privileged to work side by side with leading global institutions and public organisations in many different sectors, both in Spain and abroad.

Public bodies
Itamaraty, Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
BTC, Belgian Development Cooperation Agency
Spanish Ministry of the Environment
Generalitat de Catalunya (Autonomous Government of Catalonia)
Department of the Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Community of Madrid
Community of Madrid Libraries
Madrid City Council
Barcelona City Council
Barcelona Regional Council
ICUB, Barcelona Institute of Culture
UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Amposta Town Council
Castelldefels Town Council
Igualada City Council
Lleida City Council
Manlleu Town Council
Manresa Town Council
Mataró City Council
Molins de Rei Town Council
Palamós Town Council
Puigcerdà Town Council
Rubí Town Council
Sabadell City Council
Sant Sadurní d'Anoia Town Council
Santa Coloma de Gramenet Town Council
Tarragona City Council
Terrassa City Council

Grupo Planeta
Grupo RBA
Random House Mondadori
Disney Iberia
Editorial Parramón
Monzenstein & Vanerdat Verlag
Editorial Casals
Grup Cultura 03
La Vanguardia Ediciones
Grupo Cofina, Portugal
Impremedia Group, USA
MHCB, Museum of the History of Barcelona 
MAC, Archaeological Museum of Catalonia 
MNAC, National Art Museum of Catalonia 
Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture 

Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education
Education Consortium of Barcelona
Agenda 21 Escolar, Barcelona City Council
L'Auditori Education Service 

Obra Social La Caixa
Fundació Sant Joan de Déu
Fundación Josep Carreras
Fundación Naturgy
Fundació Jaume Bofill
Fundación ECOM
Intermon Oxfam
UNESCO Chair of Visual Health and Development 
Acció Natura 
SPRJ, Rio de Janeiro Psychoanalytic Society 
GASI, Group Analytic Society International 
ODG, Observatory on Debt in Globalisation 
Photographic Social Vision 
Fundació Pi i Sunyer 
SCEA, Catalan Society of Environmental Education
UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech
CRAHI, Center of Applied Research in Hydrometeorology

Roche Diagnostics
Grupo Periocentrum

TV3 Televisió de Catalunya
Canal Super3

Grupo Damm

Fashion & retail
Kaotiko Bcn

BBVA Innovation Centre

Telefonica Alpha

Procter & Gamble Spain

Private companies
Fosterfin ventures
Von Helmolt Consulting GmbH
Conesa law firm


Honours and awards

Our work has been recognised by the design industry and a number of public institutions.

Best education portal
SIMO - Learning Technology Exhibition organised by IFEMA

Grand Laus - Web & digital media 
ADG FAD - Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors

Gold Laus - Web & digital media
ADG FAD - Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors

ADCE Awards - Web and alternative use of media 
ADCE - Art Directors Club of Europe

15è Premi Civisme 
Generalitat de Catalunya

Breaking Barriers Award - Finalist
Toshiba, Intel and Microsoft

Junceda Awards - Finalist for non-fiction children’s books
APIC - Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia

Junceda Award for non-fiction children’s books 
APIC - Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia

12è Premi Civisme
Generalitat de Catalunya

Bronze Laus - Web & digital media
ADG FAD - Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors

Silver Laus - Web & digital media 
ADG FAD - Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors

ADCE Awards - Web and alternative use of media 
ADCE - Art Directors Club of Europe

Möbius Prize - Finalist
Prix Möbius International des Multimédias

Möbius Barcelona Multimedia Prize
UAB - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and Prix Möbius International des Multimédias

Malofiej - Special Mention
SND-E - The Society for News Design

Silver Laus - Web & digital media
ADG FAD - Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors


André Pessoa de Farias, studio director

Born in Brazil, grown up in Belgium and resident in Spain since 1999, André has a cosmopolitan background and speaks 6 languages. He is a prolific product designer, a dynamic business facilitator and an enthusiastic problem solver, with more than 20 years of international experience.

Learn more about André



Compound coordinates projects and collaborates with a network of highly motivated professionals and companies that offer a wide range of expertise.

Ivo Waldburger
Innovation & service design consultant

Sole Carballo
Project manager, Visual & Editorial Design

Juliette Rigaud
Visual & Editorial Design

Federico Slivka
UX & UI specialist

Jordi Play
Studio & outdoor photography

Gemma Comas
Photography editor & editorial photography

Ricard Sans
Vector illustrations

Mauricio Mailhou
3D illustrations

Brian McCarthy
Strategy & Presentations coordinator

Alex Blancafort
Research & content design

Business & technology merging consultants

Software development

The bearded & Nosomosnada
WordPress solutions specialists

Mobile Apps developer

Healthcare software consultants

Ignacio Maure Roses
3D & Software development

Poca Broma Produccions
Audiovisual production

Simon Davis
Translation and editing services

Darlly Maya
Sound Design

Capstone Creative
Marketing, Business & product development


Interested in what we do?
Let’s talk!